H&S Statement
Health & Safety + Environmental Statement from Jamie Dick Drainage Ltd.
Health & Safety + Environmental Statement
Jamie Dick Drainage Ltd is fully committed to the health and safety of all its employees, members of the public and all who may be affected by the companys undertakings. In addition, we are fully committed to a high standard of environmental protection. This Health & Safety & Environmental Statement and supporting management systems have the full approval of the Managing Director and Board of Directors, who will ensure that the appropriate resources are made available to facilitate a culture of continual improvement in health, safety and environmental performance.
All significant workplace hazards will be identified and evaluated to ensure that appropriate risk control measures are in place and that risk is reduced to tolerable levels: information on significant risk will be communicated to all those who may be affected. Further, all accidents and near miss incidents will be recorded so that lessons can be learned and measures taken to prevent recurrence.
Whilst overall responsibility for health, safety and environment rests with the Managing Director, it is the duty of all employees to accept responsibility for carrying out this policy and reporting to management any known shortcomings with the health, safety and environment arrangements.
Jamie Dick Drainage Ltd and all its employees will comply with relevant health, safety and environment legislation and will adopt industry best practice where reasonably practical and comply with clients health & safety requirements whenever possible.
Health, safety and environmental objectives will be set and all employees are encouraged to actively participate in achieving these, and to take ownership of health and safety matters within their own work environments in line with the companys health and safety values.
Additionally, Jamie Dick Drainage Ltd will, so far as is reasonably practical:
- consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety:
- provide and maintain safe plant and equipment:
- ensure safe handling and use of substances:
- provide information, instruction and supervision for employees:
- ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training:
- seek to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
- prevent pollution and pursue a policy of continual improvement;
- minimise waste and our environmental impacts;
- maintain safe and healthy working conditions;
- make this policy and supporting management system available to interested parties; and
- review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
November 2020
Revision No: 1